Employee Time Keeping Software

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The employee time keeping process can be very tedious and time consuming and stressful for the manager responsible for this task. Having an automated process like our time clock software to take care of this process allows the process to be paperless as well as take the hassle and tediousness of employee time keeping. There is no need for paper time cards and allows for a reliable accountable way of documenting employee work schedules.

Our Employee Time Keeping Solution

Our time clock software allows your employees, students or contractors to clock in and out several times a day. This allows for you to keep accurate times of when a person came in, went to lunch, came back from lunch and left for the day. It also provides you with a quick way of know who is in at any time. You don’t have to wonder if someone is in for work yet, because you can look at the attendance screen and you can see who has already come in today.

Even if you don’t need to keep exact times for your employees, our time keeping software can help you with just basic accountability of employees coming to work as scheduled. Other uses include accounting for outside contractors or workers to keep track of when they came and left.

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Click below to visit our Authorized Vendor, Computer Exposure web site, for Demo and FAQ Videos on the time clock software!

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